You know what they say about New York. It's a jungle. Hardy har har har.
Also on Monday, I finished and turned in another garment, this time for Draping. This is probably my favorite thing I've made for Draping so far. I love raglan sleeves, I think they're really cute, and I may actually make this one in fabric when I have the time/money.
My best friend Marissa is coming to the city today!!! We will be going to see Phantom of the Opera tonight. And we are getting REEEEALLY dressed up because it is a Big Deal. However, Marissa and I tend to be a bit on the...er... how to say it... extremely-loud-and-obnoxious side. I don't think we've ever had to be in a formal situation before, and I am verrrrrrry curious to see how we do! I'm sure there will be pictures of us looking lovely from the neck down and absolutely ridiculous from the neck up. Be prepared.
I saw the sign a while ago about the elephants coming to NYC! That's awesome that you went. I had no idea they'd go out at midnight though