When it snowed last week, I got up really early the next morning and went to the High Line and the West Village and took some pictures. It was such a pretty day.
- the light that day was so clear and soft and lovely
- windows on the High Line
When it snowed last week, I got up really early the next morning and went to the High Line and the West Village and took some pictures. It was such a pretty day.
3. Something you might not know about me is: I'm kiiiiind of nerdy. I love Lord of the Rings and Star Trek and Harry Potter.
4. Some of my favorite websites to putter about on are: Pinterest, Etsy, and Ravelry. I've restricted myself to only looking at them during tea breaks, because it's entirely possible to lose hours and hours clicking around on any of them. Especially Pinterest, because it leads you to different blogs and Flickr photostreams. So addictive.
5. This weekend I will: work work work on a project for school! I have the basic requirements done, but I want to go a bit further on it, because I'm so excited about it that I want my professor to be excited about it, too. Although I do have a few crafty projects in mind, to reward myself if I get enough done on my project for school. Yay, motivation!
6. Nothing makes me happier than : waking up early on a weekend, or a weekday when I don't have any classes, and seeing the whole day stretched out in front of me. I like going grocery-shopping early in the morning, before the crowds get to Trader Joe's, and then coming back to my room and putting everything away, and still having it only be 9:30 or so. I also get really, really happy when my room is nice and clean, it makes me feel clear-headed and ready to have a productive day. Oh! And when I have everything done for the day, and I get to curl up in my big blue cozy chair with whatever I'm crocheting, and a movie on Netflix.
....A lot of things make me really happy.
7. A bad habit I have is: spending ridiculous amounts of time making the perfect playlist for any occasion on my ipod. Like, 20 minutes making a playlist for an hour walk. But the feeling of having found just the right combination of songs for a particular activity is so great! Y'know, when you finish it and are listening to it and think, "Yeah! This is exactly the right song for my mood! So is the next one! And the one after that!"
♥Do you do Fill-in-the-Blank Fridays? Leave a link to your blog in the comments, they're so fun to read!♥
yay for snow and the music for watching it fall♥
The fourth tea is an herbal tea mix of peppermint and lemon balm, from our garden at home.
The labels (minus the words and a little recoloring in Photoshop) are from here, here, and here.
keep warm, lovelies! ♥
♥happy weekend!♥
"There came a time when the risk to remain tight in the bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom."
"Life is a process of becoming, a combination of states we have to go through. Where people fail is that they wish to elect a state and stay in it."
One of my other favorite quotes is from the author Joseph Campbell, who said,
"We must let go of the life we have planned so as to accept the one that is waiting for us."
2. A bad habit I have is: bottling things up. I'm a private person and I really don't like being angry or upset, so sometimes I just ignore those particular emotions. Usually this works fairly well, and I'm generally very happy, but it has the unfortunate side effect that when unwanted feelings do start rattling their carefully locked internal doors, it can turn into a riot with everything insisting on being heard all at once.
3. The first time I felt like a "grown-up" was: when I started developing routines for myself at school-- tea in the morning (and afternoon and night), getting fresh flowers for my room every week, and going up to the High Line park to read and journal and people-watch. ...Okay, and the first time someone asked me for directions in New York, that was pretty exciting.
meringues, especially half-melted in tea
Meaning of Bryce, The (I know it's a stretch to get the M, humor me.). My lovely friend Bryce writes this spectacularly charming blog. She's sweet, witty, and articulate and she has a very pretty turn of phrase. She does weekly features like "Tea Tuesdays" and "Musically Inclined Mondays" along with various other musings, and I always get really, really excited when she puts up a new post.
No photo credits, all my own photos this time. Except Bryce's blog name photo, that's hers.
What happened to my cute little spiral curls? Does anyone else who perms have this problem? What is this nonsense occurring on top of my head? Help!!!
I can't get enough of this song today.
mmm! such a good song.
happy weekend everyone!
I love, love, love this sweet sentiment from Ornamelle.
Delicious cinnamon-vanilla black tea from Trader Joe's with milk in one of my favorite blue teacups. The sandwich is peanut butter and homemade strawberry jam (don't sandwiches just taste better cut into triangles?). Oh yes, today was a very good lunch day.
New wooly over-the-knee socks from Lisa B. These make me happy beyond all reason.
Slightly less wooly, but still very cozy thigh-high socks from American Apparel.
One of my very favorite places in the house, which I had alllllll to myself today.
Old Dinkie Dino virtual pet! I used to get these all the time, but this little guy was having some issues. The Dinkie Dinos are notoriously glitchy to start with, but they're so cute that I can't resist restarting them every few years. After a battle with a stripped screw over the battery compartment and some nerve-wracking button-removal and circuit-cleaning, he's up and running.
I finally got a new phone. I've had my razr for two and a half years, and while it has served admirably, it was getting a little weird in its old age. For instance, it would insist that it was charging while not actually plugged into anything, and I started receiving text messages and phone calls exactly twelve hours after they were originally supposed to go through. Also, people would sometimes see it and go, "Ohhhh, a Razr! I used to have one of those!" Time for something new.
I decided on the Blackberry Curve for a bunch of reasons. It wasn't outrageously expensive, but it does all the things I wanted, like helping me get directions when I inevitably get lost in Lower Manhattan (Does anyone actually know their way around down there? It's like a labyrinth.). It's also way more convenient than lugging my Macbook around or running up to my dorm room to check my email if I'm expecting something.
Lastly, I'm restarting the book "The Artist's Way" by Julia Cameron. It's basically a course in nurturing your creativity. I first started it when I was in an English class called Creative Imagination. My professor was fantastic (you can find her blog here ) but I just didn't have time to keep up with this book the way I wanted to. But I'll post about that as I go along. If anyone would like to do this along with me, or has questions about the book, feel free to leave me a comment and I'll answer anything. It'd be lovely to have someone to talk about this with.
My dad listens to a lot of Elvis while cooking. I think this is my favorite song that's on regular rotation in our kitchen.
Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow!