1. I am: so very excited for this four-day weekend! Saturday and Sunday, of course, and then we have Monday off for Presidents' Day, and I have Tuesdays off every week. Yay!
2. The bravest thing I've ever done was: crying on every haunted hayride I've ever been on. Ha, just kidding. I mean, not kidding about the hayrides, but kidding about that being brave. Obviously. I'm not that brave, actually. Nothing comes to mind. I would not be a Gryffindor.
3. I feel prettiest when : I wake up on a sunny Saturday morning, preferably in an oversized button-down shirt and wooly socks, in fresh sheets and having showered the night before so my hair is in slightly wild, bouncy curls. Mmmm! Such a good start to a weekend.
4. Something that keeps me awake at night is: my own thoughts... my days are generally really, really busy, so when I'm trying to go to sleep, it's hard to turn off my brain. (Is it just me, or does the word 'brain' look particularly gross in print? Eww...) I actually have a ticking clock in my room just to have something to focus on while I'm trying to fall asleep. ...Also, WordMole. It's a game I recently discovered on my phone and it's a little addictive. But only on non-school nights, I promise.
5. My favorite meal in the entire world is: Oh my gosh. That is a tough question. Maybe the fantastic sea-food and pasta dinner my dad makes for New Years, it's calamari and scallops and fish and it is incredibly delicious.
6. The way to my heart is: through an impressive vocabulary, optimism, a sense of humor, sincerity, and open-mindedness.
7. I would like to: get the majority of a massive school project finished this weekend. It's one that I'm really excited about, but with all my other classes, I haven't had as much time to devote to it this week as I would have liked.
♥yay, it's the weekend!♥
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