It's basically required by law that I start a blog post about leather with this video.
So now that we've got that taken care of, today I went to Global Leather with my leather apparel class.

I've never considered myself much of a leather person, but there were so many gorgeous colors and textures that it would have been impossible for anyone not to find something they loved.

Naturally, I was magnetically drawn toward the pink section...

This basketweave-embossed leather was beautiful, but....

...this bit of loveliness stole my heart. Isn't it incredible? I'm going back tomorrow to purchase this for the bodice of a dress I'll be making next.

Here's a close-up-- look at the detail on the acorn! I couldn't believe my luck when I spotted this on a back shelf.

Meanwhile, I'm finishing up my utility pinafore. I finished the pattern and cut and all the seams are taped, so all I have left to do are two buttonholes and the actual stitching, along with reshaping the pocket linings.

The seam edges are all scalloped-- isn't it fun? My professor has kindly let me borrow her scallop-edge pinking shears for this project. They are definitely on my list of things to purchase-- in fact, I'm not sure how I went this long without knowing about them.
I have a lot of school projects going on at the moment, but I'm so excited about all of them!
Are you working on anything exciting?