Thursday, February 9, 2012

if I had a hammer

First, thank you all so, so much for your kind words on my last post.  It added some much-needed happiness to a sad time.
One of the classes I'm taking this semester is all about leather-- different kinds, how to work with it, and creating some leather garments and accessories.  We went to our professor's studio yesterday, which was very cool-- she's been working with leather for over thirty years and visiting her studio really opened my eyes about how many kinds of garments can be made with leather.

Also... she had two adorable dogs in her studio.
photo taken by brittany

Our first project is creating a new leather garment from a thrifted one.

So in the next few weeks, this leather jacket...

this thing is enormous.  it's for a 50" chest.  so I have plenty of leather to work with.

...will become this cute little shop apron, which I'm referring to as a 'utility pinafore.'
none of my classmates seem to know what a pinafore is-- was I the only one whose American Girl doll was Samantha?  Girlfriend wore pinafores like it was going out of style.

I hope everyone's having a lovely week!

1 comment:

thank you so much for visiting, and for your thoughts! x