Saturday, September 1, 2012

caturday hijinks.

When Marissa visited a few weeks ago, she got ahold of my camera and ambushed Bucky during his relaxation time.  (y'know, as opposed to the rest of the time when he's working for a living.  mmhm.)
siamese cat
He was tolerant at first.

siamese cat
Eventually he started getting a little irked.

siamese cat
And finally he called us into his office for a talk.
(watching him try to turn around to face outward in this tiny space-- which has no impetus for him to go in it to begin with-- was highly amusing.)

I hope you're having a wonderful weekend so far-- anyone else excited about Doctor Who airing tonight?


  1. LOL at the call in his office! I always like the word 'tolerate' a lot: and with cats they are the ones who put in the cards whether they tolerate or not. He's a beauty, even when moody

    1. Aw, thank you! And yes-- it's all about what they kitties want, they just choose to grace me with their presence sometimes!

  2. Aw how cute! Yep, cats like attention but you cannot over do it!

    1. Thanks Grace! So true. "Pet me, pet me, pet me, STOP PETTING ME!" I think that is his thought process.

  3. Your cat has very, very, similar markings to my Siamese!! I am so astonished...


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